Once again more updates have been added to our blog!
Podcast links are now displayed here on the blog, at rebelrousernetwork.blogspot.com. Also, if you want to subscribe to the podcast all the buttonlinks are here to do that as well.
We added a Twitter widget here on the blog, so you can check out any recent tweets from us, also you can add us on Facebook now by click in on the Facebook widget.
Other updates, include:
Our Facebook page status updates from Twitter
The Blog is attached to the Note Section of the Network Facebook page as well as Jamieson's personal Facebook page.
Any new posts made on the Blog will be Tweeted to our Twitter.
Any Videos uploaded from YouTube will be Tweeted and posted to Facebook.
So theres alot of new cross posting addons for the Blog.
As a reminder, stay tuned to our Justin.tv Channels tonight for the LIVE taping of podcast episode 021!
Rebel Rouser Podcast EP 020: Best of 2009 is up and ready for download!
Rebel Rouser Podcast Episode 020, for
Friday, December 25, 2009
Rebel Rouser Podcast is a Weekly podcast brought to
you by the members of the Rebel Rouser Network at
Four Justin.tv members joined together at once to
talk about what is new and happening in the Gaming industry.
This week's Order: Randy, Maji, Anthony, Jeremy
Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays!
To celebrate the Holidays and the last podcast of the year 2009, The Rebel Rouser Network brings to you, our TOP 10 of 2009!
There are two parts for this week's episode, mainly because mypodcast.com limits length of a podcast to 2 hours and we exceeded that limit.
There are now podcast links here on the side of the Blog, for all of you that want to easily download the podcast for yourself. Also as usual you can listen to the podcast from your browser at our podcast site.
And don't forget, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google, Yahoo, or RSS!
Or both.
Cat Is A Fan Of Peanut Butter - Watch more Funny Videos
So, if you haven't noticed...
The blog got a nice little overhaul. I didn't change a whole lot, the basic template is still the same. I changed a few of the colors to match what we use in the network, changed some of the headers for the widgets, changed some icons, mainly small stuff.
The only big change as you can see, is the new Blog Banner/Header. Our Xbox Live Avatars on on here now as well and they will update and change if we change then on Xbox Live. Neat little feature.
Also, when one of us posts now, it will show the Time AND the Date now as well as which one of us posted it. Theres also a new Poll setup using the Blogger Polling Widget and a new Highlight Reel setup using the YouTube Widget from Blogger.
So I hope you enjoy the new set up! Stay tuned for more info.
Not sure if most of you know but between Thanksgiving and the 2 weeks following I did not have a computer. Therefore I could not broadcast! Now that I have my computer back I will broadcast again! I'm just waiting on Randy to help me reconfigure my FME! So as soon as he tells me how to set my FME up again! I will not be able to broadcast! I am, however, regularly checking our forums and have not found any posts! Feel free to post in our forums! Even if its something random! I'll be happy to answer questions any viewers have about the network and about our casters! So feel free to leave your questions and comments in our forums or email us at rebelrousernetwork@gmail.com. For questions about the podcast email us at rebelrouserpodcast@gmail.com! We look foreward to your input in how we can improve our quality of casting! Thats all I have to say for now! See you again!
Enjoy, and if you haven't seen the first one *glare*
You're in luck.
Hey everyone, Maji here.
It's very rare for me or any of us in the Network to promote anything from another Network or Justin.tv channel, but I feel this is a special case.
The guys and gals over at www.thestream.tv are doing a 24 hour LIVE broadcast to help donate to the Pablove foundation for Pediatric Cancer.
So either go over there and watch them at justin.tv/thestreamdottv or on their site at www.thestream.tv and if you can donate as well at www.thestream.tv/give.
If you can't donate, please send out a Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, etc message about it. Just copy and past this [Watch http://www.theStream.tv 24 #streamathon for charity to benefit @Pablove!] into your choice and get the word out. This isn't about them gaining viewers, but to really help an important cause!
Rebel Rouser Podcast EP 019 is UP!
Thats right, the newest episode is up and ready for download at our podcast site.Also, if you have iTunes or us RSS feeds with Yahoo, Google and many others, why not just subscribe to our podcast and have it auto download for you?
This week's topics include: Megaman 10, FFXIII, and Top 5: VG Cinematics.
Wow. Just wow.
Hey all, Randy here.
It's not games. It's sports, namely, BTS with two Magic players. Too priceless to pass up though. Enjoy!
Sorry for the late release, had a big day yesterday and ending up falling asleep a bit earlier than usual.
But here it is, EP 017 of Rebel Rouser Podcast is now ready for download at rebelrouserpodcast.mypodcast.com
Also you can subscribe to us via iTunes, keyword RebelRouserNetwork.
see more Epic Fails
Non English Name FAIL
Just a quick reminder to vote on the Top 5 for Podcast 017.
Currently there is a lack of votes for this week and we need some more Votes.
Yeah, so... No More Heroes is coming to the 360 and PS3, and it looks pretty!
Bioshock 2 gets its inevitable Special Edition... I'm definately getting it.
Capcom announces RE5 gone gold (game industry speak for DONE) a second time, meaning DLC release is soon!
I pray someone there is as pissed at this selective cancellation as I was with the 360 version of Dreamkiller... this game is too good to be cancelled.
So, I'll admit, editting video is ALOT more time consuming than audio.
So, with that in mind, I have no choice but to move the release days for Video Podcasts to Fridays instead of Wednesdays.
Just to recap, Audio on Mondays, Video on Fridays now. Also, soon we will begin reviewing games, which the release days for those will be Wednesdays instead of the planned Fridays.
Sorry to have to change the days after saying it so many times on the Podcasts and Channels, but it's alot of work which takes time to get right and I want to make sure it's right every time, so a bit more time to get it done will create a better video for you guys to watch.
Until next time,
Maji Maji Majiro! OUT!
Hey, everyone, Maji here bringing you some of the best YTMND's that I saw today.
So, I've decided to create a new little thing for the blog that can pretty much be posted whenever we find something that fits the category.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, Podcast 015 Video!@
So...I have a bit of news.
Theres going to be a delay in the release of the Video Podcast this week.
Apparently my computer caught a worm which proceeded to delete explorer.exe from my computer(in cause you don't know, explorer.exe is pretty much the main part of Windows, that allows the Taskbar and accessing files to be done). So I ended up using the HP Recovery to fix the issue, but now I have to reinstall all my main programs. I didn't loose any files, so everything is in tact, it will just take some time to get my computer back running to normal for me to finish encoding the Video Podcast.
I will update when it's ready and up for download, I just didn't want you guys to think it's not coming, because it is and if you saw the preview on the feed last night, I have to say, it looks really nice, so look forward to it.
-- Maji
Rebel Rouser Podcast EP 015 is up and ready for download!
This week's topics include: Activision gears up for new Music Game, Dream Killer possibly canceled 2 days before release, Rockband 3 news, Left 4 Dead 2 will not be coming to PS3, Looking Forward and TOP 5 Racing Games.
Check it out here or on iTunes, keyword Rebel Rouser Network.
Alright people. FYI, Modern Warfare 2 tonight!
Now, news! Borderlands DLC releases on Nov. 24th!
For those not waiting for MW2, but want to play something new, Kotaku has a list. Enjoy.
1 vs. 100 on the 360 starts the 2nd season next week, be ready!
And finally, holy crap! That's a big chicken!
Alrighty, we got some goodies today... first, Taylor Swift is hot, even as a game character...
Now, Microsoft launches their rewards program, with three tiers of service.
BioWare has grand plans for Mass Effect 2's DLC future.
Assassin's Creed II gets a soundtrack.
Now if only Bethesda or whoever will release a Wet soundtrack. *mumble mumble*
Well, I have some sad news for the video of the podcast.
It seems as though Revver.com just isn't fast enough when it comes to uploading and reviewing videos, so I've found a new host for the video version of the podcast.
Our new host for the video version of the podcast is Blip.tv.
I am liking Blip.tv alot better already, as I was able to upload the Flash Video to the site and within 20 minutes the episode was up and ready for being viewed on our own little Channel within Blip.tv.
Our new Blip.tv channel can be found at rebelrouserpodcast.blip.tv, gotta love that Blip.tv even gives us a kinda subsite just for our show.
I'll also be embedding the video of Podcast 011 into our podcast site on Blogger like I said I was going to be doing before at rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com, but with Blip.tv, it's very easy to just watch the newest episode right from our Channel on Blip.tv.
Blip.tv, also does allow for RSS feeds and such for iTunes, so as soon as I figure out how to do it, I'll hopefully get the video of the podcast on iTunes as well.
So stay tuned for new videos of the podcast and I hope you all enjoy tomorrow's live Halloween Podcast on our Justin.tv channels.
Alright. The news is few and far between lately as it is nothing but more footage (nothing breathtaking) from games soon to come out. But here are a few juicy tidbits and one other thing.
The DLC for MUA2 has been dated and priced, rejoice.
A patch is released for the PS3 and 360 versions of Borderlands. I, personally, didn't notice a single of these problems... especially considering I played as Lilith. Odd.
Show your NCAA pride or your Alma Mater pride or what-have-you with University labeled avatar items (A first, officially licensed by the Collegeate Licensing Company, who stays away from licensing digital products)
More people on Live get banned for not living up to that "I Agree" button they pressed A on ever-so-long ago...
That's about it.
Oh yeah... and this.
Thats right folks, we found a proper host for the video version of the podcast.
Now, I believe that there might be some Ads in the video, I'm not totally sure, but those Ads will also help us bring in some revenue, as we get a percent of all the ad gains.
Apparently it takes some time for Videos to process on Revver, so currently it's uploaded and in it's processing area, where they have to review it, but once it's up on Revver, I will be posting a link to our Revver Channel and the video link.
Revver Channel link : www.revver.com/u/RRNetwork
UPDATE: Currently the Video is going thru Review on REVVER, so in the mean time I noticed that since REVVER can load slowly at times, I will be embedding the video of the Podcast on the original podcast site at rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com so that you can watch it via Flash easier if you don't want to download it.
Devs on sex in Dragon Age. Also, the best retort I've seen yet on Kotaku. Enjoy!
Also. This.
That is all.
Yeah, sorry I haven't been updating on here... Borderlands... yeah. If you don't have it, get it. Unfortunately theres no real awesome news going down, but if I see any, I will be sure to get it up here toot-sweet-like!
This video.
And in other news, the DLC posted yesterday(?) for MUA2 containing Psylocke is moreso than that. Apparently she comes in a pack of 5, along with 2 new sim missions. The other characters in the pack are Carnage, Magneto, Black Panther and Cable., awesomeness, right? Image, right?
Oh! Podcast tonight! Be prepared!
Okay, some goodies tonight...
First ones mainly for me, Psylocke is confirmed as a DLC character for MUA2!
PWN on people who think they got lucky, Forza 3 and Borderlands early copies were obtained, somehow. To those who played them online, sucks to be you.
Mass Effect 2 has a release date of January 26th, 2009. And the preorder bonus is AWESOME.
And lastly, to anyone who cut the corners to save some money and still have supplies for their 360... You might wanna look into brand items.
Hey all,
This is Randy [The Fury X] saying check out our forums!! Even though you guys might talk to each other in our chats, that doesn't necessarily mean your discussions stop there.
If you guys wanna keep the ball rolling about a topic that was started in our chats, by all means: start the topic back up in the forums!
If we, the broadcasters, started a topic or commented on something in the feed, again: Say it in the forums!
Bottom line, go to our forums. Give it a good use... And not using it to flame or troll... We use Maji's site for that. hahah. But seriously, check out our forums... In fact, theres a link right at the top of this screen. Check em out!
-Randy [The Fury x]
Wow... Mario is dead.
Sad days indeed... this might help though! The beta for the Live update (featuring Last.FM, Twitter and Facebook) is up for application! GO NUTS!
Lastly, Amazon has a 3 for 2 deal. GO NUTS AGAIN!
This video...
That is all that needs to be said really.... WODOYOYOEWOWEO!
(UPDATE) For those of you who are waiting for this game, or just like character customization.
Wow... another slow news day. Umm... yeah.
Deals via Kotaku
and holy hair cut, Batman!
Sadly, that is all.
The news was kinda boring, yes, there were stories, but bleh, nothing noteworthy. My channel did however see 76 viewers tonight (oddly enough, during a time when no game was played), so I think Lennon will be happy that that happened on his birthday ^_^
Later guys! I'm goin to sleep...
Alright! This is going swimmingly! Umm... only news on our side this post is that the poll for our next top 5 should be up soon, now to the industry news... quite a bit today too...
Valve has released details on two new modes for Left 4 Dead 2, "Realism" and "Scavage".
Analysts say that the PS3 could possibly win biggest this Holiday season.
And finally, today Gamestop announced their first double-midnight release, keeping stores open later for not only Uncharted 2, but Brutal legend as well. (Full list of stores participating here)
That's all, suckers!
Alright, in light of getting a stronger base about our community and growing more steady than before, here I, the valliant X103(!), am with your first Post of the Day (hereto referred to as a POT-D, cause it sounds cool. K?)
Got some articles to shoot past you so here's the quick news!
It looks as if the Xbox Live service and it's oddly addictive avatars may get a virtual playspace, ala PSN Home.
Forza 3 has revealed that their car list shall weigh close to 400 cars worth of tons. Full list in link.
The Aussies won their battle today with the people who dictate their game releases in earning the right to slaugher infected in Left 4 Dead 2. Good job, mates!
Gamestop now has an online promise of original cover art and instruction manuals with online used game purchases. Good news for those who like to collect cases for displays sake.
And finally, Dragon Age Origins announces day one DLC. Pay for more of what you just bought!
And that's that! Laters!
X103 here! Yeah... amid my TV block, I still find it my duty (haha... duty) to let you guys know, no you didn't miss the podcast last night. Complications arose and we have postponed it TBD. We will let you know when we plan to record anew! Thanks!
Is up and ready for download at our Podcast Site, via iTunes or any other RSS feed subscribition
Hey all, just letting you know that while I was over at my sister's house for my nephews birthday party (and playing baseball with him and getting beaned by my cousin Anthony [TonTon]), I found a mic that she doesnt use. I asked her if I could have it, she said yes, so I gave it to Anthony. Hopefully now that he has a new mic, he won't sound all quiet. Just passing along the good news.
-Randy aka The Fury X
X103 here...
Rebel Rouser Podcast EP 008: Now every week, IN TECHNOCOLOR!!! is up and ready for download!
As you might have noticed or heard, we are now letting YOU the viewers vote on what will be our Top 5 for the week.
X103 here with your Clip of the Day!
X103 here!
Well, if you read about it or listened to our Podcast... Wolfenstein did a promo stunt. If consumers bought more copies of the new Wolfenstein than Madden 10 in the month of August 2009, Raven Software would pay you back for it, making the game free to all who saved their reciepts... Well, the numbers for Aug 09 are in.
01. Madden NFL 10 (Xbox 360) - 928,000
02. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 754,000
03. Madden NFL 10 (PS3) - 665,000
04. Batman: Arkham Asylum (Xbox 360) - 303,000
05. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) - 290,000
06. Madden NFL 10 (PS2) - 160,000
07. Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP) - 130,000
08. Wii Fit (Wii) - 128,000
09. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 120,000
10. Fossil Fighters (DS) - 92,000
Not only did Madden have the week advantage, but more console releases, as seen by it capturing the first, third AND sixth spots in the top ten. Wolfenstein, not to be found. Sorry guys.
Attention to all Rebel Rousers and participants.
X103 here!
Inglorious Basterds was freaking awesome!
That is all.
Rebel Rouser podcast EP 007: Up, UP and AWAY! is up and ready for download.
X103 here! Yeah, I haven't been updating lately. Sorry about that ^_^;
We (prolly) got a podcast going tonight! Keep an ear out for it! We will have some good stuff to talk about this week, but I will not divulge. To know, you will need to stay tuned! HAHA! Catches!
Hey everyone Maji here. Just wanted to give you all a quick update before putting up the podcast.
X103 here, sorry it took so long to get to this...
We did our podcast on day 1 of Comic-Con in San Diego, so naturally, we only got half of the news to you at that point. Well, here is the other half.
Alright, the first one was announced the day after the podcast and is extremely relevant to my interests. The new Force Unleashed DLC that was hinted at by an achievements list leak was confirmed. Titled "Ultimate Sith". The kind-of twist is that the full content will only be available on a special edition disk coming out this holiday. Consisting of two more levels (the disk exclusive is Hoth, and third being the already released Jedi Jemple) the pack will deliver a skewed timeline story containing Starkiller as Palpatine's apprentice and he will hunt down Luke and Obi-Wan as well as skirmish with Boba Fett.
In other Comic-Con news... http://kotaku.com/5323169/comic+con-cosplay-stories This Wonder Woman is HOT. That is all.
Dead Space is getting a movie green-light as well as verbal announcements (unknown of outside-the-dev-team confusion) of work being done on not only Dead Space 2, but Dead Space 3 as well.
Forza 3 has a release date. October 27 for NA, October 23 for AUS/NZ, October 3 for Europe.
The All Fronts/Dark Corners pack for Gears of War 2 is out and it brings with it one new single player mission (tucked between chapters 4-2 and 4-3) and if you get the All Fronts pack, you get all the multiplayer maps to date. Not too bad for $20 considering the collective cost of the map packs.
http://kotaku.com/5325022/bayonetta-box-art-has-a-big-full-moon The Bayonetta cover art has been revealed and it touts a whopping three guns, two moons, one body, one celestial body, a title and it stil has room for that XBox360 band. Simply amazing!
Apparently, there is a new Disney game in the mix too, and no, its not Hannah Montana. It is code named "Epic Mickey" and its supposed to be a mickey steampunk-infused game. http://kotaku.com/5325334/spectors-epic-mickey-is-for-the-wii Looks nice though...
Oh! Interesting savings(?) alert! From Microsoft, if you buy all 5 games from the Summer of Arcade run ('Splosion Man, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled, Trials HD and Shadow Complex) you will get 800 points re-redeemed to your account, which basically gives you all 5 games, but 'Splosion Man free! Woo! [[[[UPDATE!!]]] Ubisoft revealed earlier today that they will be lowering the price of TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled from 1200MSP ($15) to 800MSP ($10) bringing the point total of all Summer of Arcade titles to only 5200, minus the 800 back deal, all games will be yours for now 4600MSP. That's a savings (now) of an arcade game and a half with all 5 purchased, making this deal a little more valid.
Unfortunately, there is a ton of small news abroad between this last week and today, but yeah, these are the big movers and shakers! Later days!
X103 yet again!
So, its 9:07 PM EST and here are our latest numbers!
MajiShine's channel has a total of 34,569 views and 265 favorites!
My channel has a total of 15,736 views and 107 favorites!
The Fury X's channel has a total of 10,050 views (GRATS!) and 76 favorites!
WutzATonTon's channel has a total of 2,668 views and 28 favorites!
Those numbers stated, The Rebel Rouser Network has a collective JTV pageview count of 63,023! Our collective favorite count is 476! Thanks to everyone in supporting us thus far!
X103 here!
Providing all goes as expected, be sure to tune in tonight!
Podcast #5 will be recorded LIVE! on our channels broadcasting at the time.
Hey all,
Wow, its been a while since I last blogged on this thing. I was reading some of the older posts on the Rebel Rouser Network blog and noticed that TonTon [Anthony] posted a list of his games. I think I shall do the same!
So I can't locate my dreamcast... I'd like to hook it up and play those old games, but I don't recall where I put it. Anywho...
Jet Grind Radio
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
King of Fighters: Evolution
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 4
Evil Zone
Megaman 8
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Capcom VS SNK 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Final Fantasy X
Fatal Fury: Battle Archives-Vol. I
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
[Borrowed from friend] Devil May Cry
Grand Theft Auto 4
Transformers: The Game
MLB 07
Call of Duty 3
OG Xbox:
Ninja Gaiden
Forza Motorsport
Halo 2
Xbox 360:
Lost Planet
Dead Rising
Madden 07
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Left 4 Dead
Street Fighter 4
UFC 2009: Undisputed
The Orange Box
Castle Crashers
Family Game Night: Scra-bab-ble
Bomberman Live
[Borrowed from Anthony] Ninja Gaiden II
*JUST GOT TODAY* Assassin's Creed
Wii (Including games purchased on Wii Shop):
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wii Sports
Wii Play (Dunno where it is...)
TMNT (OG side-scroller/top down view when outside levels)
Super Mario Brothers
Streets of Rage 2
Super Mario Brothers 3
Sonic 3
Super Mario World
Star Fox 64
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Mario Kart 64
Original Donkey Kong
Wow, that took a while... I have a LOT of games!
This has been The Fury and I will also post this in my blog.
X103 here again!
Not too much news has come about since the last blog post, sadly. Luckily, I have managed to scrap together enough info to make a good post! YAY!
Okay, the big story first. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Yes, they tacked the CoD monkier back on) is to have three release packs. The first two, standard and "Hardened" (See "Collector's Edition"), were known already and had the standard price points of $59.99 and $69.99. Now there will be a third pack named "Prestige". This over-the-top pack contains an art book, steel book case for the disk, a token code to download the original CoD on XBLA and working night vision goggles... yes, that is correct. All this can be yours for "only" $149!
Red Faction: Guerilla is coming to the PC on Sept 15th, but the bigger news for the Volition title is that it is to have three batches of DLC. The first, titled "Demons of the Badlands" is set to release on August 13th for the standard price of 800 MSP or $9.99 on PSN.
Meanwhile, the newest stuff from Rock Band states that they are establishing a service in-game to allow artists and bands to release their own tracks in the game, getting %30 of sales the titles get from being downloaded. Think Xbox Community Games meets Rock Band.
The Wii has recieved a firmware update (4.1), but the only thing it fixes is a bug for the upcoming title Wii Sports Resort.
As for other DLC news, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are both set to recieve a new batch of goodness. The Force Unleashed is coming in the shape of a new mission, but details are mum still. Transformers will get three new multiplayer maps, 10 new bots and a new difficulty level.
As for our side of things, Maji has recently completed GTAIV, much to his chagrin... The Fury X played more Xenogears before both of them joined WutzaTonTon in a rousing online game of Forza 2, which I shall enter soon. Meanwhile, on my side, I recently completed a lot of runs I'd started awhile back, including Mirror's Edge Hard Mode, Resident Evil 5 Professional Mode and Ghostbusters Professional mode. I also finally acheived 1 million points in Geometry Wars, go me!
That's about it for now, so enjoy the broadcasts!
I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone that watched my channel last night. I am totally humbled at how the turn out was this evening.
And to celebrate my hitting 200+ Fans, I'm going to plan out a bit of a gaming marathon for Thursday and Friday. I'm not sure what I'll play yet, maybe I'll do a complete play thru of Condemned 2, not sure though quite yet.
Again though, thank you all so much!
Incoming transmission from RR X103 Headquarters
Okay, wow.... upon completing my beginning-of-the-day reading of Kotaku, I now have (not counting this one) 6 tabs open, that's a lot. So without further ado, let's get started...
----The Headliner----
=Okay, I'm calling this the big one for today since I am fairly certain that it will affect most of our fanbase. Assume from it what you will, I personally think its going to be used for polish time, which will be good for a game of this calibur... Okay, you guys ready? Sitting? K? Good.... Bioshock 2 has been officially delayed "until fiscal year 2010". Past that, no date anymore.
---Major Stories---
=First on the docket is something that has almost no impact on me, but who would i be to deny it because of that? The story comes out of good ol' Bethesda Softworks. The Fallout 3 developers have decided to delay and rearrange the DLC release schedule for the PS3 version of the post-apocalyptic hit. In the interview, Bethesda is saying they hope to have it by "the end of September". The rearrangement brings some good news through, as the release schedule still seems to be frequent and steady, once started. The first release is the level-cap-raising Broken Steel. Afterward, Operation: Anchorage will release with Bethesda planning to get The Pitt out alongside it. Later on in the schedule is the two newest DLC's, Point Lookout and the yet-to-be-released Mothership Zeta.
---In Other News---
=Apparently, a few days ago, someone leaked some concept art of a possible reboot of the Tomb Raider series. This has today been confirmed as authentic art from Crystal Dynamics, with them saying it has been released without their permission.
=No More Heroes, the cult hit on the Nintendo Wii, might move on to different platforms after the sequel, NMH2: Desperate Struggle, drops in early 2010. Goichi Suda said this, "I think ['No More Heroes 2'] is the last ‘NMH' that is going to be developed on the Wii. To expand ‘NMH' to new possibilities, we need a new platform. Wii is a great platform, but we've done everything we can with it now."
=Xbox Live's Deal of the Week has changed today, and a good one this week for those who love Bullet Hell shooters, or just really good, fun, but frusterating, beautiful looking games. That's right, Ikaruga (originally on the Gamecube, but later ported to XBLA) is now only 400MSP (50% off 800MSP original price) for Gold Members. Get on it, masochists!
Alright, since I recently got this game, I am posting review spots for it, but I will not shirk off other games in this spot because I don't get them. That said... today's Review section is on BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger on the 360 and PS3. Earlier today, Kotaku released their site review on BlazBlue, hailing its colorful cast, beautiful art and design, lag-free online, multiple modes and the inclusion of a spectator option online as well as shortcut commands for the trickier moves in the game. The only cons posted were unassisted learning curve and the possibility of too much going on at once.
I personally agree with all of those statements, but do not let the cons throw you off at all. As with every fighter, there is a difficulty changer and a tutorial mode, you just aren't required to use them. The game, plain out, looks beautiful. It plays and handles wonderfully, even without an arcade stick. I woud easily call this one a buy, and I'm not even big on the fighting game genre.
Other reviews for BlazBlue are as follows:
TeamXbox gave it an 8.8 out of 10. IGN, a 9.4/10. 1UP gave it an A. OXM gave it an 8/10 and Game Informer gave it the lowest rounded score of the bunch with 7.75/10.
Orlando: Mostly clear with a 100% chance of awesome.
Minneapolis area: Possible cloud cover, chance of later day storms. Higher chance of ass-whoopery.
Southern California: Uber-clear with a high chance of a double-teamed cousin takedown.
Bioshock 2 delay- http://kotaku.com/5313745/bioshock-2-delayed-to-fy-2010?skyline=true&s=x
Fallout 3 PS3 DLC delay- http://kotaku.com/5313512/ps3s-fallout-3-content-pushed-back-to-sept-reordered
Tomb Raider reboot leak- http://kotaku.com/5313447/looks-like-that-tomb-raider-reboot-is-real
No More Heroes story- http://kotaku.com/5313452/no-more-no-more-heroes-for-the-wii
Ikaruga Deal story- http://kotaku.com/5313446/its-a-good-week-to-buy-ikaruga
BlazBlue Kotaku review- http://kotaku.com/5313114/blazblue-calamity-trigger-review-rebel-yell?skyline=true&s=x
All other review scores obtained here- http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/blazbluecalamitytrigger/review.html?mode=web&tag=scoresummary;critic-score
X103 Reporting...
Alright, now then... since I forgot to add some news yesterday, I will put it in this post today.
As spoken of on our 4th podcast (released in downloadable form soon EDIT: Podcast 004: Double Your Pleasure is available now at www.rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com) there was a 4 minute long video of new Mass Effect 2 info depicting new info about the missions, brief and vague story touch-ons and an analysis on the mission shown at E3. Great stuff, be sure to watch it when you have 4 minutes to spare.
(Until I can learn to locate and embed things, I'll post the source link :D) http://kotaku.com/5311555/lots-of-new-mass-effect-2-footage
And as read yesterday, TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled for the XBLA has been bumped back in the Summer of Arcade line-up for the more... not Turtles... game Splosion Man. TMNT loses the July 22nd date to Splosion Man and has now recieved the later release date of August 5th.
Now, for the goings on. As for myself, I am off of work tomorrow (July 13th), so as a result, tonight's and tomorrow's broadcasts will be a little longer than normal due to the extra time available for such things (barring sudden changes in plans). As for Maji, Fury and TonTon, look for more of the same unless something new is brought to my or your attention.
Maji is currently knee deep in ectoplasmic goodness as he nears the end of Ghostbusters.
Fury is currently turning back the clock to rock some Xenogears on his side.
Sadly, TonTon is still trying to overcome Xbox Live connection issues and has yet to have anything consistent for his feed going just yet, but keep hopeful and faithful!
That should be it, but stay tuned just in case!
Alright! X103 here!
As per the new arrangement to better bring you, the viewers, our services, I will be doing my best to maintain the blog side of things!
This will include, but not limit to:
-The big movers and shakers in gaming news!
-What the plans among the RR offices are for the time being!
-Announcements for upcoming podcasts, broadcasts, updates to our forums or youtube account or otherwise!
-Edge of your seat ACTION!
-and lastly, any type of info I or the others that make this Maniacal Foursome deem need-to-know-worthy!
So, hopefully this will run smoothly and we plan to see you on the other side!
Oh, yeah... I plan on making references in my posts as much as possible.
Later days! Time to broadcast!
Just a little reminder, that as usual this week, the Podcast will be recorded LIVE on our Justin.tv channels.
Sorry for the delay, editting took alot longer than normal because of some audio errors, but EP 003 of Rebel Rouser Podcast is up and ready for download.
Just a small reminder to all of our Fans!
So if you haven't heard Xbox LIVE is going to be down for maintenence on June 16th starting at 3:01am EDT and 12:01am PDT. Since alot of people won't be able to play their favorite games on LIVE that day, the Rebel Rousers decided to have a Marathon Gaming session to help keep all of our fans occupied and possibly bring in some new fans in to check us out. Also, with the Ghostbusters game coming out that day, Jeremy and I hope to be able to bring that game to you guys that night so you can see what all the hype is about. We aren't exactly sure how long of a gaming session it will be, probably about 12 hours, but we might keep it going longer if we feel like it since we all will have Tuesday off.
Hey all. This is The Fury X with some sort of depressing news.
An unfortunate thing happened with my internet and so I can no longer use a wireless internet card on my computer. That also means if I can't use the wireless, I have to use the Ethernet cord that was used solely for my xbox 360.
Furthermore, if I have to use the Ethernet cord for the computer, I can't be on XBL and broadcast at the same time.
Yeah really sucks. So yeah, no broadcasting while I'm on live and vice versa.
Sorry for the bad news,
-The Fury X
Hey all, Maji here,
Hey all. This is Fury here.
An interesting thing happened to me while I was down at my Dad's house fixing my car. I was looking through the stuff that was in his living room and noticed a microphone laying around. I asked him whose mic it was. He told me it belonged to my uncle who never used it and my dad just took it. I asked him if I could have it, in which he replied yes.
So after a little ghetto rigging with my guitar amp, I am using the sort of new mic on my broadcasts. And since I have a new mic, I'm going to give my old one to my cousin, TonTon, so you guys can FINALLY hear him.
That is all,
So, I figured if we want to reach more of you guys on the internet that we might need a YouTube Channel.
Go over to the PodCast site, www.rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com, to down load and check out the show notes.
- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson
Tonight, (hopefully), will be the first taping of the Rebel Rouser PodCast starting at 2am EST/11pm PST.
I WILL be live broadcasting from my webcam as we record the podcast so that all of you regulars can watch it live, the recorded version will go up on the PodCast site, rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com, sometime on Friday around 8pm EST.
Currently the PodCast will be a biweekly taping until we get into the flow of things at which point will become a weekly podcast.
We will be talking about alot of the same stuff that we talk about in the Channels only it will be in a more roundtable discussion format instead of us randomly coming up with shit to talk about.
So come check it out, hopefully we can tape tonight, if not I'll post here and on the forums about the change.
- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson
As you might have noticed, all four of us are now up and running with the ability to broadcast video games.
Hey all,
Ton Ton here!
Fury got my capture card working.. apparently HDTV doesn't work with the easycap. And Maji & Jeremy told me this! But I was a little slow to understand what they meant. Anyway!
I'll start broadcasting Video Games sometime at night. And I'll probably show anime on friday nights. This isn't a definite schedule for me, but I'll feel things out and see what happens. Dont forget to check out all our blogs for more information!
So yeah...sorry about not being on alot recently, I'm getting distracted by life and that computer reformat I was talking about on Friday.
TonTon here.
You can check out whats going on with me at my blog. You can find the link on the sidebar of the rebelrousernetwork blog.
Feel free to keep updated with all of the rebel rousers at our personal blogs.
Hope to see you around guys!
Noblesse Oblige, LostaTonTon
The Rebel Rouser Network
So check this out, rebelrouser4play.blogspot.com!
Awesome New Blog for Rebel Rousers
By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/05/2009 01:19:00 PM
Filed Under:
Welcome to the FIRST post of the Rebel Rouser Blog!
Since we are getting a bit more expansive about how we are going to run the BroadCast, VidCast, and PodCast, we decided it would be a good idea to create a Blog for all of our fans to keep up to date with what is going on in the Network.
We have alot of things in plans for you guys, sadly it's going to take some time to get things going since we all live in different time zones.
First thing planned is, Anthony(TonTon), Randy(Fury) and Jeremy have all purchased a cheaper, but useable capture card for their laptops, so that all of us can broadcast. So in the future not only can you watch just Randy or myself broacast, but you can check us ALL out.
Also, we are in the workings of our first actual PodCast, we have a template made for the show and will be testing Audio and Video options later TODAY, so start looking forward to that as well.
We will also we opening a forum just for the Rebel Rousers, since it seems that the one that is provided by JTV, just does not cut it, plus I HATE the board style it has, I'm more accustomed to phBB style boards so I would much rather have that going instead of the crap-o-la on JTV.
I'm also planning to create a page, probably on a FREE web hosting site, that has all 4 broadcasts on the same page, using the embedding from JTV, so that if you want you can watch all 4 of us broadcast at the same time and see everyone's screens, this might also be used for LIVE podcasting in the future if it works out.
But thats what we have working in the gears at the moment. I'm hoping your all enjoying what you have seen so far just from our Broadcast on Justin.tv. We really do enjoy doing it every night. Seeing familar names in Chat and new ones is always alot of fun.
-- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson