Info, as it were...

By Rebel Rouser Network on 7/12/2009 09:57:00 PM

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X103 Reporting...

Alright, now then... since I forgot to add some news yesterday, I will put it in this post today.

As spoken of on our 4th podcast (released in downloadable form soon EDIT: Podcast 004: Double Your Pleasure is available now at there was a 4 minute long video of new Mass Effect 2 info depicting new info about the missions, brief and vague story touch-ons and an analysis on the mission shown at E3. Great stuff, be sure to watch it when you have 4 minutes to spare.

(Until I can learn to locate and embed things, I'll post the source link :D)

And as read yesterday, TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled for the XBLA has been bumped back in the Summer of Arcade line-up for the more... not Turtles... game Splosion Man. TMNT loses the July 22nd date to Splosion Man and has now recieved the later release date of August 5th.

Now, for the goings on. As for myself, I am off of work tomorrow (July 13th), so as a result, tonight's and tomorrow's broadcasts will be a little longer than normal due to the extra time available for such things (barring sudden changes in plans). As for Maji, Fury and TonTon, look for more of the same unless something new is brought to my or your attention.

Maji is currently knee deep in ectoplasmic goodness as he nears the end of Ghostbusters.
Fury is currently turning back the clock to rock some Xenogears on his side.
Sadly, TonTon is still trying to overcome Xbox Live connection issues and has yet to have anything consistent for his feed going just yet, but keep hopeful and faithful!

That should be it, but stay tuned just in case!

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