Don't Have a Catchy Name, so..... UPDATE!
By Rebel Rouser Network on 7/19/2009 09:36:00 PM
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X103 here again!
Not too much news has come about since the last blog post, sadly. Luckily, I have managed to scrap together enough info to make a good post! YAY!
Okay, the big story first. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Yes, they tacked the CoD monkier back on) is to have three release packs. The first two, standard and "Hardened" (See "Collector's Edition"), were known already and had the standard price points of $59.99 and $69.99. Now there will be a third pack named "Prestige". This over-the-top pack contains an art book, steel book case for the disk, a token code to download the original CoD on XBLA and working night vision goggles... yes, that is correct. All this can be yours for "only" $149!
Red Faction: Guerilla is coming to the PC on Sept 15th, but the bigger news for the Volition title is that it is to have three batches of DLC. The first, titled "Demons of the Badlands" is set to release on August 13th for the standard price of 800 MSP or $9.99 on PSN.
Meanwhile, the newest stuff from Rock Band states that they are establishing a service in-game to allow artists and bands to release their own tracks in the game, getting %30 of sales the titles get from being downloaded. Think Xbox Community Games meets Rock Band.
The Wii has recieved a firmware update (4.1), but the only thing it fixes is a bug for the upcoming title Wii Sports Resort.
As for other DLC news, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are both set to recieve a new batch of goodness. The Force Unleashed is coming in the shape of a new mission, but details are mum still. Transformers will get three new multiplayer maps, 10 new bots and a new difficulty level.
As for our side of things, Maji has recently completed GTAIV, much to his chagrin... The Fury X played more Xenogears before both of them joined WutzaTonTon in a rousing online game of Forza 2, which I shall enter soon. Meanwhile, on my side, I recently completed a lot of runs I'd started awhile back, including Mirror's Edge Hard Mode, Resident Evil 5 Professional Mode and Ghostbusters Professional mode. I also finally acheived 1 million points in Geometry Wars, go me!
That's about it for now, so enjoy the broadcasts!
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