Awesome New Blog for Rebel Rousers

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/05/2009 01:19:00 PM

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Welcome to the FIRST post of the Rebel Rouser Blog!

Since we are getting a bit more expansive about how we are going to run the BroadCast, VidCast, and PodCast, we decided it would be a good idea to create a Blog for all of our fans to keep up to date with what is going on in the Network.

We have alot of things in plans for you guys, sadly it's going to take some time to get things going since we all live in different time zones.

First thing planned is, Anthony(TonTon), Randy(Fury) and Jeremy have all purchased a cheaper, but useable capture card for their laptops, so that all of us can broadcast. So in the future not only can you watch just Randy or myself broacast, but you can check us ALL out.

Also, we are in the workings of our first actual PodCast, we have a template made for the show and will be testing Audio and Video options later TODAY, so start looking forward to that as well.

We will also we opening a forum just for the Rebel Rousers, since it seems that the one that is provided by JTV, just does not cut it, plus I HATE the board style it has, I'm more accustomed to phBB style boards so I would much rather have that going instead of the crap-o-la on JTV.

I'm also planning to create a page, probably on a FREE web hosting site, that has all 4 broadcasts on the same page, using the embedding from JTV, so that if you want you can watch all 4 of us broadcast at the same time and see everyone's screens, this might also be used for LIVE podcasting in the future if it works out.

But thats what we have working in the gears at the moment. I'm hoping your all enjoying what you have seen so far just from our Broadcast on We really do enjoy doing it every night. Seeing familar names in Chat and new ones is always alot of fun.

-- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson

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