A New Addition to the Broadcasting Repetoire...

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/29/2009 01:19:00 AM

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Hey all. This is Fury here.

An interesting thing happened to me while I was down at my Dad's house fixing my car. I was looking through the stuff that was in his living room and noticed a microphone laying around. I asked him whose mic it was. He told me it belonged to my uncle who never used it and my dad just took it. I asked him if I could have it, in which he replied yes.

So after a little ghetto rigging with my guitar amp, I am using the sort of new mic on my broadcasts. And since I have a new mic, I'm going to give my old one to my cousin, TonTon, so you guys can FINALLY hear him.

That is all,

New YouTube Account for Rebel Rouser Network

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/24/2009 06:13:00 PM

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So, I figured if we want to reach more of you guys on the internet that we might need a YouTube Channel.

On there I've uploaded the Unedited Version of the first PodCast, Rebel Rouser Podcast 001 - Birth of a Demon, so that if you missed it live on my Justin.tv Channel you can see it on our YouTube Channel.

I'll be uploading VideoBlogs from time to time, I'm hoping to do about one a day, but we will see. 
Also, you will see alot of yours and our favorite clips from our Justin.tv Channels uploaded to the YouTube Channel as well, so we hope you guys enjoy our PodCast, VideoBlogs and LiveCasts, and subscribe to our Justin.tv AND YouTube Channels.

-- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson

Rebel Rouser Podcast 001 Up and Ready for Download

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/22/2009 07:03:00 PM

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Go over to the PodCast site, www.rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com, to down load and check out the show notes.

- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson

Live taping of Rebel Rouser PodCast 001

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/21/2009 12:53:00 PM

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Tonight, (hopefully), will be the first taping of the Rebel Rouser PodCast starting at 2am EST/11pm PST.

I WILL be live broadcasting from my webcam as we record the podcast so that all of you regulars can watch it live, the recorded version will go up on the PodCast site, rebelrouserpodcast.blogspot.com, sometime on Friday around 8pm EST.

Currently the PodCast will be a biweekly taping until we get into the flow of things at which point will become a weekly podcast.

We will be talking about alot of the same stuff that we talk about in the Channels only it will be in a more roundtable discussion format instead of us randomly coming up with shit to talk about.

So come check it out, hopefully we can tape tonight, if not I'll post here and on the forums about the change.

- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson

Up and running

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/15/2009 10:19:00 PM

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As you might have noticed, all four of us are now up and running with the ability to broadcast video games.

At the moment though, Jeremy is without Mic, and Fury and TonTon are still working on getting a proper mixer so that they can be heard better on Mic.

So now that all four of us are broadcasting, theres alot to check out coming from the Rebel Rousers.

Stop by our channels, stop by our Blog, stop by our Forums and join, and check out the 4Play.

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/14/2009 08:52:00 PM

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Hey all,
Ton Ton here!

Fury got my capture card working.. apparently HDTV doesn't work with the easycap. And Maji & Jeremy told me this! But I was a little slow to understand what they meant. Anyway!

I'll start broadcasting Video Games sometime at night. And I'll probably show anime on friday nights. This isn't a definite schedule for me, but I'll feel things out and see what happens. Dont forget to check out all our blogs for more information!

View My Blog or I Will Destroy You!

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/13/2009 12:54:00 AM

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Yes, I am. Anywho, if you guys wanna know whats going on with my side of Rebel Rousers Network, just click on the side bar and be prepared to read... lol. But seriously, be prepared.

Thanks for watching and supporting,

Distracted by Life and a Phone

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/10/2009 11:04:00 AM

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So yeah...sorry about not being on alot recently, I'm getting distracted by life and that computer reformat I was talking about on Friday.

Also, I keep finding myself absorbed about wanting my new phone to hurry up and come in the mail.

If you don't know, I'm a HUGE Sidekick fan. I know, I know. It's for Teens. Well I don't give a damn. It's an awesome phone. Everyone keeps telling me to get an iPhone, but you know what? Screw that, you can only get them for cheap on AT&T and I'm not paying almost $400 bucks for a used iPhone on ebay just so I can unlock it for T-Mobile and then have the touchsreen die or something on me in a month.

But with all that in mind, I went and ordered the new Sidekick LX to upgrade my old Sidekick LX. Theres just someting about the Sidekick that really interests me as a phone. Maybe it's that almost transformer-esq quality to it that it has with the swivel screen, but I love that phone.
So I ordered the new one but it won't be here until the 12th, so I find myself wasting time on the web looking at videos and blogs and all kinds of shit on forums about the phone...

God...I want it so bad

New Links

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/08/2009 11:44:00 PM

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TonTon here.

You can check out whats going on with me at my blog. You can find the link on the sidebar of the rebelrousernetwork blog.

Feel free to keep updated with all of the rebel rousers at our personal blogs.

Hope to see you around guys!

Noblesse Oblige, LostaTonTon
The Rebel Rouser Network

The Rebel Rouser 4 Play

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/07/2009 08:43:00 PM

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So check this out, rebelrouser4play.blogspot.com!

Cool right?
We were thinking about a way to allow everyone to watch all the Feeds in the same place rather than having to keep 4 Tabs open in your browser and...TADA!

The RebelRouser4Play is born.

Keep it open in 1 Tab and the Channel that you want to chat in, in another instead of having to keep 4 Tabs open all at once.

I'm also thinking about a way to keep an eye on all the chats on the same page, maybe even making a RebelRouser4Play chat and putting that on the page would be best.

But in the mean time, now that ALL of us are broadcasting, yes even Anthony is using the Desktop Scrncap option in ManyCam to broadcast at the moment. But now you can check us all out at the same place. I'll be linking this in all our places so that it's easy access to all the users.

So as usual, Thanks for Watching and keep subscribing!

-- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson

Awesome New Blog for Rebel Rousers

By Rebel Rouser Network on 5/05/2009 01:19:00 PM

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Welcome to the FIRST post of the Rebel Rouser Blog!

Since we are getting a bit more expansive about how we are going to run the BroadCast, VidCast, and PodCast, we decided it would be a good idea to create a Blog for all of our fans to keep up to date with what is going on in the Network.

We have alot of things in plans for you guys, sadly it's going to take some time to get things going since we all live in different time zones.

First thing planned is, Anthony(TonTon), Randy(Fury) and Jeremy have all purchased a cheaper, but useable capture card for their laptops, so that all of us can broadcast. So in the future not only can you watch just Randy or myself broacast, but you can check us ALL out.

Also, we are in the workings of our first actual PodCast, we have a template made for the show and will be testing Audio and Video options later TODAY, so start looking forward to that as well.

We will also we opening a forum just for the Rebel Rousers, since it seems that the one that is provided by JTV, just does not cut it, plus I HATE the board style it has, I'm more accustomed to phBB style boards so I would much rather have that going instead of the crap-o-la on JTV.

I'm also planning to create a page, probably on a FREE web hosting site, that has all 4 broadcasts on the same page, using the embedding from JTV, so that if you want you can watch all 4 of us broadcast at the same time and see everyone's screens, this might also be used for LIVE podcasting in the future if it works out.

But thats what we have working in the gears at the moment. I'm hoping your all enjoying what you have seen so far just from our Broadcast on Justin.tv. We really do enjoy doing it every night. Seeing familar names in Chat and new ones is always alot of fun.

-- "The" Frustrated Gamer, Jamieson