Ratings on YouTube and Commision for New Logo

By MajiShine on 3/12/2010 10:28:00 AM

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Just a quick few things here.

First off, if you visit our YouTube channel, please do use a favor and 5 Star our videos. By rating our videos we will get more viewers on YouTube bringing more people to our Justin.tv channels. Which we like seeing new viewers. So please rate our YouTube videos.

Second off, I am looking for a new logo for the Rebel Rouser Network. Something a little bit more simplistic with mostly text. So I'm asking you the fans for help.

I'm going to do a contest for a new logo.
Photoshop your BEST idea for the new Rebel Rouser Network logo to rebelrousernetwork@gmail.com.

Now there are a few rules:
Submissions must be totally original. You cannot use content from other digital artworks.
Submissions must be rendered in Super Large 1600x900, Large 1024x768, Medium 640x480, Small 320x240, and Thumbnail 160x120 sizes. Meaning each submission should have have 5 files.
Submissions must not contain any nudity, vulgar words, or rudeness, keep it clean.
One submission per person and trust me, I know how to track emails to IP addresses, so making multiple email addresses won't work.

The Winner will recieve their choice of XBL Points, PSN Points, or Wii Points.
Now I have to run this by the guys, but I'm hoping each of us will chip in five dollars a piece, making the prize, $20 in points of your choice.

The contest will end on April 30th, 2010, so theres plenty of time to make a submission.

Good luck!

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