Rebel Rouser Podcast EP 032: Marvel vs. Pokemon
By Rebel Rouser Network on 4/25/2010 09:30:00 PM
Filed Under: gaming, Marvel vs Capcom, news, Pokemon
Hey all, Fury here...
While Jeremy, Alex (DJBigz), and I were swapping videos that has to deal with music, mainly beatboxing, Jeremy showed me the video with Julia Dales:
Then I found out about another beatboxer named Daichi (pronounced Daitch):
Daichi's style reminded me of the electronica style of drum and bass (or d&b), in which I found this video because it combines 2 of the coolest (in my opinion) things ever:
Also, props to Jeremy for showing this video to me:
This is the Fury, and you have just been... I don't know what you have just been'd, but I'll think about it and get back to you.
UPDATE: blog'd... you have just been blog'd. More props to Jeremy for getting me out of that brain fart.
We regret to inform everyone, that again our podcast host, is once again having issues.
We will definately be looking for a new host for our podcast services.
Until then, I will be uploading all files to a free file hosting service and posting the links here on our Blog.
If anyone has any GOOD and FREE podcast hosting sites please send us an email to We are looking for something that does not limit the file size of each upload and has as much storage per account as possible.
Hey all, Fury here.
So I was watching an epi of Family Matters and it was the one where Myra, Steve's girlfriend for a little while, changes schools just to be near him. After growing bored with Family Matters, I wanted to watch the clip of Steve and Myra having a "Dueling Accordions" moment. Of course after watching some more intriguing accordion videos, I stumbled upon this one:
After watching this video (along with countless others of his), I like the accordion. If you liked this one, you should check out his video called, "La Partida" or "Leaving"
According to sources that leaked info about the Super Street Fighter IV roster updates and got everything right, news has hit about a possible new sequel to the famous fighting series from Marvel and Capcom.
I myself would LOVE a new Marvel vs. Capcom. It's a game thats not really hard to get right when it come to gameplay, only a graphics updates is really needed.
WTF 2.5 Million people download Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack
By MajiShine on 4/08/2010 05:30:00 PM
Filed Under: Modern Warfare 2 DLC sells 2.5 million
According to, 2.5 million Xbox 360 users have downloaded the new Modern Warfare 2 "Stimulus Package" Map Pack, 1 million of those purchases were made in the first 24 hours.
How the hell that happened I'm not sure as, just about everyone I know has boycotted the map pack because of it's price, saying that for 5 maps, the cost is just too much.
Are Modern Warfare 2 fanboys that big on buying something no matter what the price?
Full Story here
This was posted on Kotaku about possibly being the new Nintendo 3DS, now it's pretty much confirmed fake, but man I wish it was real.
If you check out more of the pictures from here, you can see that the screen swivels to reveal the controls for the system.
If Nintendo is smart, they better look into using this as a design for a possible sucessor to the NDS line of portable gaming.
Looks like things are going to get back on Track starting this week.
We Appologize for the lack of updates on our podcasts and website recently. is expirencing an error that we cannot explain on my Channel. It is not fixed, however I have found a workaround for that issue.
So, starting Tuesday we will be taping the newest episode of Rebel Rouser Podcast. We will be doing this Month's Top 5 as voted by you the fans, so stay tuned to that.
As for personal stuff, I've gotten back into playing MapleStory at the moment, which apparently my computer doesn't like to broadcast while playing it, so I've been offline alot recently on my channel. I will however find some time to broadcast once Grand Theft Auto IV: Liberty City Stories comes to my house from GameFly.
So check me out sometime later this week.