It's not games. It's sports, namely, BTS with two Magic players. Too priceless to pass up though. Enjoy!
Sorry for the late release, had a big day yesterday and ending up falling asleep a bit earlier than usual.
But here it is, EP 017 of Rebel Rouser Podcast is now ready for download at
Also you can subscribe to us via iTunes, keyword RebelRouserNetwork.
see more Epic Fails
Non English Name FAIL
Just a quick reminder to vote on the Top 5 for Podcast 017.
Currently there is a lack of votes for this week and we need some more Votes.
Yeah, so... No More Heroes is coming to the 360 and PS3, and it looks pretty!
Bioshock 2 gets its inevitable Special Edition... I'm definately getting it.
Capcom announces RE5 gone gold (game industry speak for DONE) a second time, meaning DLC release is soon!
I pray someone there is as pissed at this selective cancellation as I was with the 360 version of Dreamkiller... this game is too good to be cancelled.
So, I'll admit, editting video is ALOT more time consuming than audio.
So, with that in mind, I have no choice but to move the release days for Video Podcasts to Fridays instead of Wednesdays.
Just to recap, Audio on Mondays, Video on Fridays now. Also, soon we will begin reviewing games, which the release days for those will be Wednesdays instead of the planned Fridays.
Sorry to have to change the days after saying it so many times on the Podcasts and Channels, but it's alot of work which takes time to get right and I want to make sure it's right every time, so a bit more time to get it done will create a better video for you guys to watch.
Until next time,
Maji Maji Majiro! OUT!
Hey, everyone, Maji here bringing you some of the best YTMND's that I saw today.
So, I've decided to create a new little thing for the blog that can pretty much be posted whenever we find something that fits the category.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, Podcast 015 Video!@
So...I have a bit of news.
Theres going to be a delay in the release of the Video Podcast this week.
Apparently my computer caught a worm which proceeded to delete explorer.exe from my computer(in cause you don't know, explorer.exe is pretty much the main part of Windows, that allows the Taskbar and accessing files to be done). So I ended up using the HP Recovery to fix the issue, but now I have to reinstall all my main programs. I didn't loose any files, so everything is in tact, it will just take some time to get my computer back running to normal for me to finish encoding the Video Podcast.
I will update when it's ready and up for download, I just didn't want you guys to think it's not coming, because it is and if you saw the preview on the feed last night, I have to say, it looks really nice, so look forward to it.
-- Maji
Rebel Rouser Podcast EP 015 is up and ready for download!
This week's topics include: Activision gears up for new Music Game, Dream Killer possibly canceled 2 days before release, Rockband 3 news, Left 4 Dead 2 will not be coming to PS3, Looking Forward and TOP 5 Racing Games.
Check it out here or on iTunes, keyword Rebel Rouser Network.
Alright people. FYI, Modern Warfare 2 tonight!
Now, news! Borderlands DLC releases on Nov. 24th!
For those not waiting for MW2, but want to play something new, Kotaku has a list. Enjoy.
1 vs. 100 on the 360 starts the 2nd season next week, be ready!
And finally, holy crap! That's a big chicken!
Alrighty, we got some goodies today... first, Taylor Swift is hot, even as a game character...
Now, Microsoft launches their rewards program, with three tiers of service.
BioWare has grand plans for Mass Effect 2's DLC future.
Assassin's Creed II gets a soundtrack.
Now if only Bethesda or whoever will release a Wet soundtrack. *mumble mumble*
Well, I have some sad news for the video of the podcast.
It seems as though just isn't fast enough when it comes to uploading and reviewing videos, so I've found a new host for the video version of the podcast.
Our new host for the video version of the podcast is
I am liking alot better already, as I was able to upload the Flash Video to the site and within 20 minutes the episode was up and ready for being viewed on our own little Channel within
Our new channel can be found at, gotta love that even gives us a kinda subsite just for our show.
I'll also be embedding the video of Podcast 011 into our podcast site on Blogger like I said I was going to be doing before at, but with, it's very easy to just watch the newest episode right from our Channel on, also does allow for RSS feeds and such for iTunes, so as soon as I figure out how to do it, I'll hopefully get the video of the podcast on iTunes as well.
So stay tuned for new videos of the podcast and I hope you all enjoy tomorrow's live Halloween Podcast on our channels.